Product code: TT23

Why should you take this course?

  • Understand critical constraints to software-based delivery such as Conway’s Law, trust boundaries, or team cognitive load, and leverage them rather than unknowingly fighting against them.

  • Discover modern approaches to organize and evolve teams for fast flow, such as a team-first approach, aligning to true streams of change, and moving from blocking to non-blocking team dependencies.

  • Learn practical techniques (with supporting tools) that you can apply today for better team dynamics: Team API, Thinnest Viable Platform, Team Cognitive Load assessment, Independent Service Heuristics, and more.

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Discounted Bundles for Team Topologies Distilled

Platform Engineering Bundle (15% OFF)

We have bundled the "Platform as a Product" course with the academy flagship course "Team Topologies Distilled" into the Platform Engineering Bundle at a 15% discount. 

Understanding Enabling Teams Bundle (15% OFF)

We have bundled the "Effective Enabling Teams" course with the academy flagship course "Team Topologies Distilled" into the Understanding Enabling Teams Bundle at a 15% discount. 

Course curriculum

    1. Slides handout for Team Topologies Distilled Course

    1. Elite performing teams are long lived

    2. Smaller teams maximize trust

    3. Focus on the team as the means of delivery

    4. Team-first team members

    5. ASK YOURSELF: Team-first or individual-first organization?

    6. VIEWPOINT: Why HR needs to focus more on teams

    7. RECAP: A Team-First Approach

    1. Why Dunbar’s number and trust boundaries matter

    2. Organize with trust boundaries in mind

    3. How trust boundaries influence business & architecture decisions

    4. Increase remote and onsite group trust

    5. The Team API as a tool to increase trust

    6. ASK YOURSELF: Do the groupings in my organization match Dunbar’s boundaries?

    7. VIEWPOINT: Why management needs to elevate trust boundaries as a key organizational factor

    8. RECAP: Trust Boundaries

    1. Conway’s Law impacts business agility

    2. What are Conway’s Law mismatches

    3. What happens when we ignore Conway’s Law

    4. Take advantage of the Reverse Conway maneuver

    5. ASK YOURSELF: Have you seen Conway’s Law mismatches in your organization?

    6. VIEWPOINT: What is a sociotechnical architect?

    7. RECAP: Conway’s Law

About this course

  • €145,00
  • 76 lessons

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